World-class medical knowledge
JMI created a collaborative consortium challenging to revolutionize the medical and health care field by sharing and disseminating the technology of Metabiogenix.
Metabiogenix elucidates the modulation of the intestinal environment as the power of frontier science.
This project will cooperate with physicians to aim for the creation of a new market in order to let the concept of Metabiogenix to sink into the society and to start kicking in the product development based on the intestinal environment.
Japanese Medical Institute developed 5 medical-scientific concepts:

- Medical Metascience®
Based on the theoretical concepts of general metascience, Medical Metascience is the type that goes beyond traditional medical science, which is based on the old lesional biological model•Medical Metascience (as a not yet used concept) provides new paradigms that fulfil the requirements of general or basic metascience (history, evolutions and innovation)
Medical metascience goes beyond the therapeutic and diagnostic frontiers of “Evidence-Based Medicine” in which, according to the general definition of metascience, the experience the observer plays a very important role on the obtained results.
2. Metabiomedicine®
Meta “to go further”+ bio “biology+ medicine= Medicine that goes beyond human biology
3. Psycheneuro-metabiology®
Psyche “human soul”+ Neuro “central and peripheral nervous system”+ Meta “metabolites obtained from the bio-fermentation of bacteria”+ Biology “body, cell, mitochondria, and gene expression”
4. Metabiomedic®
Japanese Medical Institute considered appropriate to train physicians in “Medical coaching” in order to provide a new health care model that involved the revolutionary scientific concepts from Japan, an integral care and service to the patient, through which the therapeutic schemes derived from the research carried out by JMI research centre would be adopted.
A physician trained in Metabiomedicine® will be referred to as: Metabiomedic®
A Metabiomedic® is a first contact physician or a specialist certified as a “Master in Metabiomedicine” by the Japanese Medical Institute. The Metabiomedic® provides care to patients thorugh diagnostic tolls and cutting-edge treatements, substantiated in a knowledge on Psycheneuro-metabiology®, applying preventive, predictive, regenerative, genomic and mindfulness medicine models that will allow him to evolve in order to contribute to: A better control of diseases, fewer complications, maintenance of a healthier and long-living population.

5. Metabiogenic Products®
To develop BIOTRA® technology, JMI identified through the AI Gene Sonar® platform, the molecular sequences, or “signals,” of gut microbiome metabolites that allow host microbiome to recognize as its own metabolites, allowing to reduce chance of hostile reaction and avoid disturbing existing ecosystem.
BIOTRA is developed though biotechnology, with bioreactors designed in Japan specifically to produce quorum sensing metabolites by means of bacterial fermentation.